архитектура и строительство



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Photos from ASH Multimedia S.r.l.
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Michael Scott (1905-1988) is considered the most important architect of the twentieth century in Ireland.

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Arkitektafélag Íslands
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From Joel Pellegrino Hotham. Argentina.In Spanish.
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The city has the largest collection of Bauhaus buildings in the world, where over 1500 buildings are slated for restoration/preservation.
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Includes biographies and illustrations of works by Le Corbusier, Jujol, Loos, Duiker, Schinkel and Melnikov.
Посещений: 99
Biographies from Gran Enciclopedia RIALP (GER) include:
Aalto, Alvar; Alberti, Leon Battista; Andrade, D. Antonio; Arciniega, Claudio; Asplund, Erick Gunnar; Bautista, Francisco; Becerra, Francisco; Bérain, Jean; Bernini, Giovanni B; Bonavía, Santiago; Borromini, Franceso; Bramante, Donato; Brosse, Salomon de; Brunelleschi, Filippo; Bustamante, Bartolomé; Cambio, Arnolfo Di; Cano, Alonso volver; Van de Velde, Henry; Vandelvira, Andrés d; Vasari, Giorgio; Vázquez, Lorenzo; Vignola, Giacomo da; Villanueva, Juan de; Viollet, Emmanuel; Vitrubio, Marco; Wren, Christopher; Wright, Frank Lloyd; Zuazo, Secundino
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Alphabetical listing
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The Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio shaped the world that surrounds us today. Some of his most influential villas survive in the Veneto region around Venice, Italy.

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Watercolor drawings by Giovanni Giaconi of the 32 existing Villas by Andrea Palladio.
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